Sep 21 2010


Published by at 10:41 PM under Uncategorized

YOU’VE seen advertisements of almost everything our economy has to offer. Cars. Hair products. Food. Beeer. Clothing. You barely notice them as you go by, due to its sheer commodity and normality. As you’re driving in your car or walking down the street they seem to you as nothing more than background scenery, combined with the shadows of the trees and mountains of British Columba.

Nevertheless there are times when you are caught off guard by advertisements so unique; so explicit, that you stop to stare at it in wonder, intrigue, admiration and sometimes even shock. Nevertheless these are the type of advertisements that the public love.

All of what i’ve written so far however, isn’t what i want to fous on. What i do want to focus on aren’t advertisements you see in your daily lives, but those that you don’t see. Everybody knows that some products are funner to market than others. People would not normally want to create advertisements for products like toilet cleaners and dishwashing soap. These products admittedly do not offer much to work with.

Where creativity lies are in products  that, for example, promote safe sex. You know what i’m talking about.

Condoms are a really controversial product. They are banned in certain countries, and worshipped in others. But one thing’s clear; and that is that they’re responsible for a few of the most interesting, humorous and memorable advertisements today.

Unfortunately, many a times those advertisements never make it past paper.  But fortunately, thanks to a thing called the internet, we are able to find anything, anywhere and anytime. I found this list of ‘advertisements you’ll never see’ on the webiste Most of the advertisements are from the brand DUREX. Do not take them seriously, for that isn’t their purpose. Their purpose to the create entertainment and laughter for their audience, and likely for the creators themselves as well.

I saved my favorite for last.

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