Oct 18 2010


Published by at 8:32 AM under Uncategorized

One of the most important and ongoing piece of advice on how to be successful in the future is that you have to MARKET YOURSELF. In other words; sell yourself to corporations in a way that make them value you more than other applicants. This is achieved through building up an impressive resume, a professional appearance, a concise cover letter, a sociable nature and confident character.

Likewise, hollywood stars sell themselves by constantly getting publicized in various types of media, and often what they get publiczed for is not neccessarily good. Stars like Linsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have been splattered over the tabloids with what can only be described as appalling and shocking to ‘what? again? and ‘that’s so lindsay’. After a while all the scandals that happened between these oh so glamourous starts become not so scandalous anymore. One might say that if a star manages to stay away from scandals, he/she will never become famous. Break-ups. Divorces. Affairs. Drunken nights. All of these make for very effective marketing.

Using the four P’s; the stars are able to sell their
PRODUCT (i.e. their love life, their body) at the right
PRICE (magazines are usually affordable to the majority of society and there are TV almost everywhere).
They are usually in the correct
POSITION (they are at the right location at the right time) which allows for a lot of
PROMOTION (their face gets displayed all over the media within minutes).

Now remember that this only applies to hollywood stars. You dont get famous without receiving any benefits along the way. Most people expect scandals from Stars. They WANT scandals. The public would like nothing more than a little naugthy to spice up their otherwise mudane and normal lives.

However, normal people like us would never get away with something like that when we are looking for respectable jobs. The goal of selling yourself is not to sell yourself TOO much; meaning do not put inappropriate pictures on your Facebook because believe me; employers nowadays aren’t like your everyday joe; they know technology and one of the first places they will go when considering your application is your FACEBOOK PAGE. Market yourself in a way that says; Im normal, but Im different from the others.

Do not try and get away like those people in Hollywood. Your best bet is to be yourself. be real. Get real.

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