Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Sep 17 2010

Hello world!

Published by under Uncategorized

Well this is new to me. ive never had a blog, except for xanga but tat died n i didnt really do much on it aniways.

well i guess i should start by introducing myself!

HI! I’m Amanda Ng and im malaysian! ive lived in Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, and of course now Canada! woot woot!

Im a second year sauder student, as you all probably already know since this blog is required for our Comm 296 Marketing course!

First of all, i would actually like to thank my teacher Ms. Tamar for making me do this blog!! and im not trying to be a suck up i sincerely mean it! i really appreciate it because i have thought of startin a blog for quite a while now. I read alot of blogs but I’ve neva actually had one of my own because, well, im a lazy person.

so this actually is a great oppurtunity for me to finally experience what it’s like blogging, and so far im liking it!

tats it for today!! now ive got some accounting reading to do! i usuali leave tat til nightime so i can sorta just… fall slowly asleep while im reading..

thanks for visiting!! i’ll make the next blog definately more interesting!

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