Apple: Master of Marketing

Why is it that even if we have the latest iPhone 4S, Apple is able to convince us to purchase the newest, but very comparable, iPhone 5?

In the past, Apple has released considerably improved products compared to their precedents, such as the jump from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4. However, the differences between the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 are minimal and certainly not significant enough to have most consumers feel the need to make the switch. Physically, the new iPhone measures the same width as the previous, 0.37 inches taller, and 0.07 inches thinner. The main difference is the size of the screen, which is 0.5 inches larger. Even this, however, isn’t much of a perk considering the size of many Android phone screens measure nearly an inch larger than that of the iPhone 5.

It is evident that Apple’s marketing scheme, of keeping information about its upcoming products in the dark, has dedicated customers waiting at its side. Apple develops vague headlines for each product. When announcing the release of the iPhone, the marketing chief delivered the headline: “The iPhone 5 is the thinnest and lightest iPhone we have ever made.” Before its release, all talk about the product was speculation of its lighter and thinner features, which turned out to be much less significant than imagined.

Apple products are categorized as “wants” because they’re luxurious compared to more inexpensive and basic products that do essentially the same thing. However, their marketing team is able to portray the products and their features as “needs” and “benefits” giving consumers the ability to justify their purchases.

Without containing many points of difference compared to the iPhone 4S, the new product has been quick to sell out all over the world. Is this due to Apple’s unique marketing scheme? Or has having the latest iPhone become a fad regardless of its minimal upgrades?

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