Golden week of China, Black Friday of U.S.A.?

The first week of October is the National Day Holiday of China. Cool and sunny weather across the country, toll-free highways, admission ticket discounts and lower gas prices have combined to make this so-called Golden week the best time for travelling. However, creative netizens rename Golden Week as “golden mess” for the best description of the situation as the Chinglish phrase “People mountain, people sea”.

My second hometown, Soochow, as a well-known tourist city attracts tons of travellers during the “Golden Week”. People can hardly move a step in the famous old scenic spot, Humber Administrators’ Garden. The exquisite and gorgeous classic garden overburdened. This scenario is similar in other sites, like Jiuzhagou Valley which is famous for its snowy mountain, colorful water and marvelous forests got into trouble when its shuttle buses failed to cope with a rush of 40000 tourist.

By the way, I was astonished when scanning a comparison map of highway toll station of China with U.S.A.

Another bomb news should be a partial U.S. government shutdown. I won’t stress the serious impact on economy of U.S. and global economy but a quite interesting news.”Don’t Fret a Government Shutdown (Stocks Won’t)”. It mentioned the fiscal cliff fears from last December as “a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing”. So will the U.S. government shutdown?

It seems like that things are not always golden or black even they are called so.

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