Closed trading week

I planned to continue my technical analysis kit and I know persistence is a virtue. However, nobody is perfect. At the last day of trading game, I forgive myself to be a lazy bird.

At the day of saying goodbye, people will always be sentimental. I could not say I really fall in love with trading game. But the emotion in trading game seems to be like the feeling in love.  (I am really unwilling to compare trading to love, but they resemble to some extend). You may be secretly delighted when your secret admirer ask you whether he/she can join your discussion group or 15% rise of your portfolio value; You may be regretful of being impulsive to bare your heart and buying or shorting positions at not the exact right time; you may be hesitant on whether to break up with xxx ex and which contract (what price) to order… well,  if you have a love-hate relationship with trading and you can’t hold back to see your open position and CME website, then you may fall in love with it…

Why I am interested in trading game?

The trading game is a journey to experience real market turbulence and explore individual’s personal nature. The unpredictability future market drives participants to discover its real philosophy, however, everyone fails. Probably, that is the charming of future market as everyone see one of its face, but no one ever see its panorama. During the journey, you can observe the hiding nature of yourself. Are you more prudent than ever or greedier beyond what you thought yourself to be?

The sense of reality of simulated trading game overwhelms any case study and exercise. Straightforwardly, it test not only what you learn from textbook, but also how you combine all what you learn with your instinct. Besides, the futures market is like a resource bank. You could find tremendous learning materials and resources if you dig it deeply.

What I supposed to do in trading?

Trading is definitely an art.  A great work is a combination of inspiration and exquisite skill. What I can do is to learn every ‘painting’ skill, prepare canvas and painting brushes. Ultimately, waiting for inspiration.

Technical analysis kits are all kinds of colors. If you want to draw a fabulous painting, you should be aware of the combination of colors. And Economic or industry condition is the framework of your work. Good works depend on how you utilize those items.

Lastly, I am really grateful for Mark and my dear classmates. I learned a lot from your patient instructions, fabulous ideas and rich learning experience. 

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