Blog post #1: All I Can

The first time I stood on a pair of skis was at the tender age of 3 years and ever since then I got extremely excited when the first snow touched the ground.

Not long ago most people were only thinking about race or big mountain skiing and did lack the vision that skiing can mean something more. There always have been the extreme skiers but they were neither recognized by the public nor got some media attention. This image has completely changed through companies such as Red Bull, K2, Salomon and others who launched extensive campaigns to promote a new skiing lifestyle. Clothing has changed and most people do not attribute skiing as old fashioned anymore compared to snowboarding. The film industry with producers such as Matchstick Productions (“Seven Sunny Days) and Sherpas Cinema has changed people’s perception and imagination about the way of skiing.

The ladder production company has recently published a teaser of an upcoming freeski movie called “All.I.Can”. This teaser is absolutely mind blowing and once you see it you just want to get out there and do it yourself. Astonishing and beautiful images are being created with high definition and slow motion video cameras, which capture sequences that were never seen before. It clearly affects the emotional part of our perception. Most skiing companies who operate in the freeskiing sector use marketing strategies, which are tailored towards an affective response within the viewer’s mind. The new lifestyle and new possibilities are tailored towards people who are adventurous and wish to perform just beyond the ordinary.  There seem to be no limits.

More information about the movie and the production company can be found under:

I hope you will enjoy watching the trailer:

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