Blog post #2: BMW vs Audi or simply which car do you think is the better one?

This week’s blog is about competitive advertisement within the car industry. Matias Rocha ( gave a great example about Audi’s competitive campaign to open people’s mind so they can think outside their stereotypes and develop new brand awareness. This is really what marketing is about: influencing people’s purchasing behaviour by initiating a positive feeling about the brand so they will stick with that particular company for the rest of their life. This is especially difficult in the car industry since a car is not a product that is regularly repurchased by the same consumer.

In recent years more and more car manufacturers have evolved and the competition became even more vigorous. Even though I am German I think that the German car industry still has the leading edge compared to most other markets and they are doing a great job in promoting efficiency, sustainability, lifestyle and design. Matias mentioned that he is “not a supporter of this kind of ads that compare and say bad things about their competitors“; However I think that it is essential to compare your own brand with others in the same rubric. By showing the advantages of your product the company is able to create additional value. Consumers who will buy or already have bought a company’s product will be appealed by those ads since they manifest their purchase decision and make them feel better since they think that their product has a slight advantage over others.

I found another ad online which is also a competitive ad about cars. This time BMW is positioned as the superior brand compared to Audi. In this kind of industry everyone is making such ads because they do not simply want to talk solely about their product. They rather want to make comparisons so the viewer gets to choose which one he likes better.

Enjoy watching:

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