Blog post #5: Heartbeat

Didn’t you always want to take your running skills a step further? Here is how it works:

Couple years ago Nike has successfully cobranded with Apple introducing Nike+ that linked Apple’s Ipod with a small chip inside of a Nike running shoe. Even though this technology already existed in form of speciality products tailored towards more advanced runners, Nike and Apple were able to capture a bigger scope of the market by targeting people that casually go for a run and already own an Ipod or a Nike running shoe.  Since their first cobranded product launch Apple and Nike have introduced further running related products.

In 2010 Nike built another co-branding relationship with Polar. The Polar Heart Rate Strap is the ultimate addition to an already existing product line. So here is how Nike introduced it on its news blog to its online community: “Just fit the strap snugly around your chest and take it for a spin to hear spoken feedback and see your beats per minute during your Nike+ iPod workout, …“  Isn’t that cool? Go check it out:

I am a big fan of Nike+ products. Ever since I bought Nike running shoes and connected them to my Ipod I have been out there on the running tracks more often.

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