Category Archives: Uncategorized
Blog post #10: It’s all about emotions!
Last Friday I went to the Vancouver International Auto Show at the convention centre to check out the newest and hottest cars from all over the world. Well maybe not the hottest because Vancouver is not really comparable to car … Continue reading
Blog post #9: Go Pro
It is really amazing what such a small camera can do. Couple weeks ago I went to Whistler with a few friends and bought a “Go Pro” camera from Hero. It’s fascinating. The concept is extremely simple. You attach the … Continue reading
Blog post #8: Bieber Fever
So what’s up with this Bieber kid? Who likes the Biebster? In my opinion Justin Bieber is just another teeny success that will eventually fade over the years and he will go back to where he came from. Ethical marketing … Continue reading
Blog post #7: Google can find you everywhere
I have read Alex Joshi’s blog “Location Based What!?” the other day and completely felt the same way. The idea of promoting to individual likes and dislikes as we would say in facebook talk nowadays, is a genius idea. However … Continue reading
Blog post #6: Pure luxury
Rolex is one of a few Swiss watch manufacturers that is known for its exclusivity and vivid history. At the beginning of early 20th century visionary Hans Wilsdorf was the first who dreamt of a wristband watch. Nowadays some people … Continue reading
Blog post #5: Heartbeat
Didn’t you always want to take your running skills a step further? Here is how it works: Couple years ago Nike has successfully cobranded with Apple introducing Nike+ that linked Apple’s Ipod with a small chip inside of a Nike … Continue reading
Blog post #4: Come to where the flavor is
My last week’s blog was about the advertisement of Heineken beer so I thought that it might be interesting to relate it to another industry, which also has been around for hundreds of years … the tobacco industry. I hope … Continue reading
Blog post #3: Feel the taste
While I was on facebook today I have seen someone posting this really cool Heineken ad (“Walking fridge”) which made me laugh again even though I have seen it already a couple of times because it has been around for … Continue reading
Blog post #2: BMW vs Audi or simply which car do you think is the better one?
This week’s blog is about competitive advertisement within the car industry. Matias Rocha ( gave a great example about Audi’s competitive campaign to open people’s mind so they can think outside their stereotypes and develop new brand awareness. This is really … Continue reading
Blog post #1: All I Can
The first time I stood on a pair of skis was at the tender age of 3 years and ever since then I got extremely excited when the first snow touched the ground. Not long ago most people were only … Continue reading