One for None

  Jobs not TOMS

We’ve all seen the new fad of wearing the ‘socially responsible’ shoes. Yes, the shoes whose makers claim that for every pair of shoes bought, “TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need”. Sameena Kamdar‘s post “Socially Responsible” Intentions: Purely altruistic, or profit-driven? reassured the point of view I had regarding how TOMS’ “philanthropist” ideology may be great marketing, but it is a perfect example of bad aid.

Some may ask whether ‘bad aid‘ exists, but there actually is such a thing. In her blog, Sameena pointed out the ethical perspective of using charity as a “business booster”. However, this goes way beyond TOMS as a business, it touches topics both political and economical for developing countries. The first example of TOMS granting bad aid is the fact that it will undermine local economies. Not only will it damage local shoe making economies but it also leads us to question TOMS’ apparent philanthropic deed; developing countries may need shoes for sanitary reasons, but what they actually require are fair jobs and quitting the dependency on other countries.   The following video encapsules how TOMS is promoting bad aid to developing countries:

A Day Without Dignity



TOMS “Socially Responsible” Intentions: Purely altruistic, or profit-driven?


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