

Reading Taylor Carkner’s blogpost on Greenwashing Corporate Actions a lot thoughts came to my mind regarding the veracity of company’s claim of being ‘ecologically friendly’. Firstly, Taylor brings up a good term that is not very well known; greenwashing. The following video details a few facts about greenwashing:

As may be seen, there are several things that companies do that consumers believe are helping the environment, when in fact they aren’t. An example of a company who’s involved in greenwashing is Fiji Water Company. The company claimed of making an ‘environmentally friendly’ water bottle, however,”the actual “greenness” of the “bottled water was not disputed, but rather that the bottler’s overall manufacturing distribution and packaging of the water uses a “greater amount more of natural resources” in the creation and transportation of the bottled water than competitors and that this results in the use of “46 million gallons of fossil fuel, producing approximately 216,000,000 billion pounds of greenhouse gases per year.””

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