The Good, The Bad & The PC

As competition in the technology and computer business increases, the demand for PC seems to be a specie that is almost extinct.

Companies such as Intel, Dell and Hewlett-Packard are facing a serious warnings as their expectations for future revenue are beyond disappointing. The ever-more popular tablets are the main reason why the demand for PC’s have decreased in such a dramatic way. However, there seems to be a not so promising ‘bacon of hope’; Windows 8. It’s been three years since the release of Windows 7, therefore companies in the PC industry believe that the novelty in the new operating system wil launch the industry back into the competition.

Nonetheless, despite the potential slight increase in demand for PC’s this won’t be enough to compete with their head on competition; Apple. As tablets may be included in the PC sales, this illustrates why Microsoft is no longer considered as a threat for other industry competitors as consumers have ‘flocked’ to iPad consumption. Will the PC industry ever come back into the competition?



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