Ergonomic Products: Change in Consumers’ Behaviour

I found this keyboard food tray very interesting and wanted to write about it. Nowadays as the economy develops and people get busy, more consumers seek for products that can make their life a little more convenient. And there are so many different ergonomic products that have been invented, or are being invented.

Imagine you are a busy office man or woman, and it is not very easy to have breakfast at home. Instead, you often eat toast and coffee as you start working at your office. While you are eating, you must be very careful not to drop any piece of bread or coffee drop on your keyboard. And if you become careless enough and hit the mug on the desk, you will spill the coffee and ruin the whole work you have been working on!

Maybe no one would want to buy this tray 10 years ago, but people nowadays value things differently from people in the past (i.e. more health-conscious), and there are new markets arising, for example, organic foods and ergonomic products. As a business person, you must keep your eyes open to the change in people’s(consumers) behavior, always look for what they want, and be able to apply it to your products, or services.

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Cost of a cup of Coffee: Importance of Marketing Strategies

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Would anyone think about why a cup of Starbucks coffee is that expensive while they are drinking it? In the advertisements of specialty coffee shops, they always emphasize the good quality of the coffee bean they use. However, the cost of coffee bean does not really decide the cost of a double cappuccino at specialty coffee shops, as most of the cost is spent for other reasons. One big part of the cost was the labor costs at the coffee shop, and another big part is the amount expended in shop rent, marketing and general administration. And many of us do know it, but not many of us think we are over-charged or it’s not worth the price, because otherwise, there would have been no customers left for Starbucks. Indeed, Starbucks was so good at their marketing strategies, succeeding to make consumers think their products as a luxury, something different from the coffee you might get at Place Vanier dining hall.

FTA: International Trade, a chance or a hindrance?

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The negotiations for FTA(Free Trade Agreement) between South Korea and the United States first started in 2006; however, five years later now in Korea, there is still debate going on whether it should sign it or not. Why is FTA such a controversial issue then?

FTA can benefit a nation’s economy in many ways if it goes well, but we should always consider the risks and disadvantages we might face in the future. Risks include many things, but currently for Korea is mainly concerned that there would be higher dependency on America’s economy, and it could cause underdevelopment of Korean domestic industries. Once FTA takes effect, American farm products will occupy Korean grocery market, and there would be less people consuming those expensive local agricultural products. But what happens if their price suddenly goes up in the future? It’s totally possible, and as many people know, it’s very hard to change back once FTA takes effect. Also, there are many terms on the contract that sounds very adventageous to the United States. In any contract between a stronger nation and a relatively weaker nation, there are always problems arising. That’s what happened to Mexico, and many other countries that signed.

It’s not that we don’t want to sign a free trade agreement with the states at all. But think about it. Will you really want to make decision so quick? When you know that the effect is going to last at least tens of years, and there are many terms that are not in favor of your country, you know there are so many risks that might be brought to your economy in the future, and you cannot make any further change once the contract is signed?