Business Ethics (Response Blog)

Response to Priya Painuly’s posting on Business Ethics:

I agree that it’s not soley the company’s reponsilbility if the workers did know about the work environment and still wanted to enter the company. I also agree that the society as a whole has become more cold-hearted that we are not that much surprised by this kind of news anymore. However, to the question “If people know about the situation (about the 38 suicide cases) then is it really that ethically wrong if people choose to come into the company despite knowing the circumstances?”,

I would answer yes.  It is very wrong in terms of business ehtics. People knowing about the poor work environment does not mean that the company can just abuse them. Maybe they had no other choice than going to that company. They knew the situation that was going on in the company, but would you choose to starve when work is right there waiting for you? Especially this was in China, not even a somewhat developed area as other cites. People have no choice and just go there to work knowing that they are going to suffer, but the company should not be taking it for granted and abuse them. It’s just even more cruel.

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