Netflix will lose money for all 2012

November 22, 2011

Netflix’s rage started in September when they tried to separate their services and charge through both Netflix and Quickster, which was going to be the company’s movies-by-mail service. But after a drop of more than one million costumers, the CEO decided to get rid of Quickster and continue as one brand. However, recently

“Netflix (NFLX) warned in its last earnings report that it expects to be unprofitable “for a few quarters” starting at the beginning of 2012.” They expect to increase their profits as they are expanding to Ireland and England, but for now their business will not be making any profits. Netflix made a mistake by pulling the company apart into two brands, but the fact that they realized their mistake and are now in the process of fixing it means that they are serious about making their business a success and I have no doubts that they will.

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