Japan’s Fukushima plant opened to journalists.


November 12, 2011

Japan’s Fukushima plant opened to journalists.

After the tsunami and earthquake in Japan, studies have been made about the conditions inside the Fukushima nuclear plant, and real damage has been detected. Just recently, reporters where let inside the plant since March, when the natural disaster happened. Martin Fackler, who works for NY Times said: “There’s debris all around where the reactors are – twisted metal, crumpled trucks, large water tanks that have been dented and bent. You can see that this stuff has been strewn around and it has not been picked up and it’s been there for eight months. So I think that more than anything is a testament to how difficult a time they’ve had in trying to get those reactors under control.”

It is very sad to see how a single situation can really affect a whole country and population. Things were so bad from the tsunami that they haven’t even had time or resources to control and deal with the nuclear power leak, thus making lethal harm around the area.

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