Mac vs. PC

“Hi I am a Mac” is all Apple has to say in order to differentiate its product against hundreds of different PCs. Mac has grown to be so successfully differentiated that all laptop/computers are now divided into only 2 categories, Mac and PCs (which consists of hundreds of different brands).

The Apple “I’m a Mac” campaign is a Mac/PC debate between two actors in which the Mac is represented by a cool, well-dressed outgoing and young actor, while the PC is represented by an older, outdated and uptight actor. Through casual wording and the interaction of two stereotipical men, Mac portrays a differentiated strategy between its Mac products and PCs. It targets a younger, cooler audience which makes its audience want to be and identify themselves with the actor representing the Mac.

“I am a Mac” ended up being one of the most successful ad campaigns for Apple and as a result had a 42% market share growth in its first year according to Softpedia. Through this ad, Apple informes its target audience about the product in a witty, and entertaining way that manages to spread around the world within days as a result of amazing marketing strategies and induced word of mouth techinques. It caught a lot of people’s attention and soon everyone was talking about it. In a simple, yet smart way Mac was able lay out the benefits of its product and appeal to its audience’s interests and needs.

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