Are Students Buying What We Are Selling?

“Today’s universities and colleges abound with marketing efforts, logos, publicity, top-heavy management, and corporate sponsored buildings and professorships; thus, it is reasonable that some students might see the university as yet another entity vying for them as customers instead of as an academic institution recruiting them as scholars.”

Currently students feel like they deserve more than they worked for. But do they? Education is a right, but succeeding in it is a privilege that is up to no one but the students. Academic entitlement is developing as a huge problem as students really believe that by just paying tuition they are entitled to good marks that will later on help them succeed in life. Universities and colleges are amazing institutions that provide all tools and guidance for student, but it is up to each one of them to correctly use them for their own benefit and success.

As stated in the article, “entitlement defeats achievement by denying the significance of learning to the learner.” The whole purpose of learning has been devaluated and now the only goal is to get good marks no matter what the students learn or absorb from their education throughout the journey.  As much as education has progressed, will it ever be valuated accordingly to its importance?


“Students as Consumers of Knowledge: Are They Buying What We’re Selling? By Jill A. Single-Jackson, Dennis L. Jackson and Jeff Reinhardt

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