Carlos Slim’s recipe for global economy

Carlos Slim recipe video

Carlos Slim made his billion-dollar fortune during Mexico’s economic downfall in the 1980’s and when asked what he thought about the current euro crisis, he stated that this could also be an opportunity to make a fortune. He believes that there are no good or bad times. Everything has a negative and positive outcome. Employment he says is the key to ending poverty. Unemployment makes people loose hope and therefore unmotivated them to fight against the crisis. He believes that the solution to the euro crisis is inviting the private sector to invest to maintain the economic activity.

He sure knows about business as he is the richest man in the world, however he manages TELMEX, the Mexican telephone monopoly and therefore I don’t think he is the best resource to rely on to solve the euro economic crisis. He is a man of power but not necessarily of principle and successful exterior strategy.

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