Location based marketing

Location based marketing isusing global-positioning technology to send geographic-specific business marketing to consumers over their mobile devices, is a large and growing opportunity for businesses of all sizes.

Some tips according to Goodman to start in this trend are the followings:

  1. Allow customers to opt in.
  2. Be transparent.
  3. Don’t resell their information.
  4. Make it easy to opt out.
The next infographic tell us more why this is an important trend to follow in  2012. Going local as the  infographic says is going to be one of the motos for marketing in the next years and it is a good idea to get into it.

The following video is a help to get started to and have more information about it

2 thoughts on “Location based marketing

  1. First off, thank you for sharing the info graph. You gave us some very interesting information, and probably very useful in the future. I guess the next era would be the era of mobile phones.
    In the past decades, companies and international corporations started going global, thanks to the internet. What this created was a sort of disconnection between the consumers and the corporation. Corporation started targeting huge markets instead of focusing on understanding each consumer individual. But now, with the help of modern technology these companies really want to reconnect. Markets are becoming more saturated. Companies need to find new ways to retain customers. So they are now popping up on our mobile phones hoping to amend the relationship.

  2. I think location based marketing is really the key to getting customers right on the spot and ensuring conversion. Thanks for the insight.

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