FREE Social Media Tracking Tools

We are all part of social media and it can be very useful for a business or just for leisure time. When using social media for any business, it can be difficult to track till what point is being useful and moreover how to track awareness, reputation and so on. This is why the following tracking tools facilitate this difficult task and most importantly FREE.


This Search Engine can track comments on your content from different social media sources. From Omgili (Oh My God I Love It) :

Omgili forum search engine lets you find communities, message boards, discussion threads about any topic. Omgili’s advanced search features make it the best search engine for forums out there.


Track comments to your social media content. Search for comments on your content from a wide range of social media sources.


This tool is a consolidated page with search matches across blogs, Twitter, Digg, Flickr and more. Featuring an appealing interface and one-page dashboard, Addict-o-matic is one of the best free tools available for summarizing all your “buzz” in one place.


4. Social Mention

Real time social media search and analysis results. Social media alerts, like Google Alerts but for social media. Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company or marketing campaign.

5.Google Alerts

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries. Enter a search query you wish to monitor. You will see a preview of the type of results you’ll receive. Some handy uses of Google Alerts include:

  • monitoring a developing news story
  • keeping current on a competitor or industry
  • getting the latest on a celebrity or event
  • keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams

1 thought on “FREE Social Media Tracking Tools

  1. Hey Mariana,
    Thank you for sharing this. Social Media is one of those things that marketers get very excited about without a clear indication that it is indeed useful for the business. These ways to measure Social Media initiatives are handy for marketers to know as they can gauge success and adapt the campaign accordingly. I also like that they are FREE 🙂

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