b2b SEO strategy planning

Webmarketing123 released a State of Digital Marketing Report last November. The report surveyed more than 500 B2B and B2C marketing professionals, with roughly a 66-34 percent split, respectively. The report takes an in-depth look at digital marketing focus, impact of SEOPPC, and social media programs, and where marketing managers are focusing budget in 2012.

The main points from this report are the followings:

  • 57 percent of B2Bs say SEO makes the biggest impact on their lead generation activities.
  • 55 percent of companies have closed deals from social media leads.
  • Social media is expected to see the biggest increase in investment moving into 2012.

This report can help to plan out strategies and what to do to marketers and establishing criteria for new SEO, PPC, and social media priorities moving forward.

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