Tips versus Taxes… huh?

Why is it that people are more happy to pay a waiter or waitress an additional tip (on top of their salary and the cost of the meal) than to pay taxes to the government (who will in theory use that revenue for good)? It seems a little ironic… Waiters don’t need that tip, it’s more of a courtesy, a “thank you”. Governments on the other hand rely heavily on taxes, and in many cases (for example in Canada) the taxes are put to well use (don’t debate this– I’m from the third world).

After some thorough analysis, I’ve come to the wise conclusion that there are three reasons for this:

First. People identify with the receivers of the tips. They can see themselves in their positions and understand the importance of such. On the other hand, sometimes it is difficult to sympathise with the government and happily pay the costly taxes.

Second. Most people and mostly everywhere are skeptical about their government. Critics come easily and often unfounded. Therefore, one can see a tip as a just reward, while taxes are often questioned and often used ineffectively.

And third. There is a very strong popular culture that hates taxes. It seems like everyone wants all the benefits (cheap education, good public transportation, health care, social security programs, etc) but they never fail to groan when it comes to paying taxes.

Come on, humanity, why not change our view on taxes?!

PS: as long as taxing is fair, of course.


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