Ultimate Frisbee is becoming a business. How come that happens? Well it is actually true that lately the USA Ultimate has been trying to professionalize the sport through different ways. One of them is creating different tournaments being broadcasted later on by ESPN.
These improvements in the sport’s publicity and professionalism have benefited many small companies. Tushar Singh, one of Ultiapp´s founders, says “people can start making livings as funds are injected at a sponsorship level”. It is totally true, because that is what is happening to his firm, Ultiapps- which is an app that allows coaches willing to track its team players’ performance and that has been used in the Major League Ultimate (MLU), as well as many other ones. It can also be noticed that in the “Five Ultimate”- a small brand that makes the official kit for teams all over the world.
This is a great opportunity for these companies for being in the mind of the consumers due to the fact that they are the first in the market of this new “professional” sport.