What is responsible for you?

Do you know what responsible investment looks like?

When we think about responsible investment we immediately associate it with investing your money in business that act accordingly to society’s  ethical rules.

 Nonetheless, we may not all share the same ethical rules,  what  you consider ethical, may not be for me or other classmates. In the documental Responsible Investing: An Evolving Story, the concept is explored and discussed, stating it’s a new concept that is not yet clear to everyone.

        I agree with Chris MacDonald in his blog Ethical investing and values-based        investing, as he says that  responsible investment, should actually be referred to as Value alignment investment. Which means we should invest in those industries that act in accordance to our own values.

When responsible investing, we should try to invest in companies that share our values.

How can we judge what responsible investment is for others? I believe is more important to stay faithful to your values and invest in companies that you agree with, than invest in what everyone else considers is ethical. As Mr.MacDonald states, it is very difficult to reach a general consensus on ethics, therefore is difficult to reach one for Responsible investment as well.

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