Coca Cola pledges for a change

Coca cola is taking a huge step by changing its can from the iconic red to white. Working together with World Wildlife Fund, they proclaim this  enormous statement to express their concern and increase awareness about the polar bears problem. The campaign pledges millions of dollars for research and conservation of the arctic areas.

For years Coca cola’s holiday campaign has been inspired in polar bears, so they became an important aspect of their marketing.

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Coca Cola has a very strong and well positioned brand image, within the market. I believe this change  will have a positive effect in their sales.

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It will show Coca Cola’s social responsibility, willing to risk its sales to fight for a cause. Customers will buy Coca Cola anyways, and with this campaign they will feel that as they buy their favourite drink they are also contributing towards a good cause.

Nonetheless, Coca Cola needs to advertise this change strongly. Customers must be aware of it,  since customer’s automatically search for the bright red can, and as they don’t see it, they may think the product is nit available.

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