Mission Zero

Ray Anderson committed to sustainability and turned around the way its company worked. Mission Zero is the promise the company made,  stating that by 2020 they wouldn’t be harming the environment.

To achieve this they have three strategies: reducing their footprint by not wasting energy,  also they rely on product innovation by designing and producing their products with environmentally friendly methods, and finally by creating a culture in the company     of respect for nature.


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I believe that building a corporate culture in which every member of the company shares a vision and has a passion that drives them to work towards a goal is the most important aspect this company posses.

Nowadays every commerce student should have some extent of knowledge regarding sustainability. Being sustainable does not mean not being profitable, we should instead appreciate sustainability as the road towards entrepreneurship success, and Ray Anderson and his company are an excellent example.

All companies should work towards sustainability, and it is no longer to increase sales from a marketing campaign. They should because being sustainable is no longer a luxury but a necessity, which should be included un every companies’s vision.

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