Mobile network or water?

Africa has  low access to basic necessities, we can imagine that access to internet and technology is even more limited, but it’s not.

Digital Africa describes their improvement on technology and mobile networks,  almost like science fiction. It seemed impossible that Africa one day would be able to be in touch with the world

The introduction of mobile networks has revolutionized small businesses in Africa. In the small region of Janga, smartphones are used to help women in their bu

siness, collecting nuts. The phones connect them with the buyers in Germany, and this allow women to receive a fair pay for their job.

Nonetheless, it seems ironic than in Janga they have better access to mobile network than to water. I find interesting and promising that smartphones are prompting l

ocal producers towards growth. But it seems they have deviated their priorities. Shouldn’t they be concerned with covering their basic needs first?

A prosperous business leads to an increase in income which leads to an improvement in the standard of living. But i still wonder why would investors would disinterestedly, as they say they are, invest in their business and not help them with their basic access to water?

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