Air Canada:Worker’s rights

When reading Sarah Wang’s post Are Air Canada flight attendants asking for too much?, I strongly disagreed with her opinions.

As stated in the article being a flight attendant is not an easy job. It demands sacrifices, which employees are aware of before they take the job. Nonetheless, the employeessafety and well being should be at the top of the list on the manager’s agenda.

As necessary as it is for workers to make sacrifices, the least the company can do is recognize their e

fforts.  A monetary reward will be a good place to start.

Workers are factors of production, but they are also human beings, that cannot be used as simple tools for profit maximization. When

treating with labour is not the same as when working with machinery.

Workers have rights, the company should try to keep them happy and motivated in order to increase their productivity. (No passenger likes to be served by an angry flight attendant.)

Going on strike is a worker’s right, if they don’t agree with the conditions they are being put through then they should make their opinions be heard! Even if we are facing difficult economic times.

1 thought on “Air Canada:Worker’s rights

  1. I agree that workers do have the right to go on strike to express their disagreements and complains. However, it would be much better if both the company and the union could figure out a way to solve the problem without letting the strike happened. Nobody wants to have a lose-lose situation.

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