Business is affected by inequality

I dont know why humanity has been so ignorant upon equality and equity among ourselves. There has been distinctions about almost everything races, income, what music do you listen to or even which gender you are born with and the worst part is that you find it everywhere from home to school, university and even in the workplace.

If women are being discouraged at a university its no surprise why most people involved in business are men, why most of the CEOs, CFOs…ect are men. I am not saying this is completely wrong as it is true that more often men have stronger personality and less feelings (things often needed in the business world) but indeed there are a lot of drawbacks to it. Decisions are made almost entirely by men because if women were not given the chance to speak in a university lecture I don’t think their opinion would be taken into account as if it was coming from a man. It is also important to highlight that due to the characteristic of men being interested in sex a lot of workplaces report high percentages of sexual harassment.

By this means we have not only loss the ideas, innovation and what not women can bring onto the table just because of inequalities since university. Aswell I truly believe that women have the same capacity as men of becoming CEOs or be placed in managerial positions when. It will be really interesting to see how the numbers of sex discrimination and harassment change.


Kantor, Jodi. “Harvard Business School Case Study: Gender Equity.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 07 Sept. 2013. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.


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