First Nations, Government and Private sector

A business organization is much more than something which can be controlled by simple methodology or techniques, much more than only internal factors. Indeed it is something which is always unstable and changing as not only internal but also external create and impact; being political, environmental, social or even technological. First nations is an example of a social implication for companies.

It is interesting to see first of all how the government of Canada defends and protects the right and land of the first nation people. In fact this is very good because if not for certain companies would not care for the social cost and only the profits generated, meaning that not only their land will be taken but as well their resources such as logs and also some sort of income they could have made out of the resources. This is not the worst part as it is very likely that these companies create some form of pollution; air, lakes or even sound pollution. By this means the government is doing a good job not only protecting them but also caring for the environment which also means there will no need for them to make an investment to repair damage caused by firms.

In the other hand it may be that this same government not thinking upon the efficiency at which the Canada resources are being used because being realistic a society with the advantages of education and technology will do far better in managing resources and certainly this is not very likely to be found in indians. Companies which could have had employed natural resources and people are being restricted and by then cannot carry out operations as effectively. For example if a business wanted to do something involving something of this it will create a big weight on its threats side.

In conclusion I would certainly agree that there has to be a balanced government involvement in respect to the First Nations people, resources and private companies so that resources are not exploited but well used, the environment is taken into account and so that both sides don’t get so much restriction.


Montpetit, Isabelle. “Background: The Indian Act.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 14 July 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

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