Women in Wall Street (Based on External blog)


The world is based on exchange just as the economic theory suggest  we have various needs and wants. A very well known place for this exchange is financial markets, more specifically the stock exchange. Indeed last year at a total of 16.613 trillion u.s. dollars (Largest in the world), and although this instead of being dynamic and diverse in terms of people interacting just as Aaron Elstein suggests in his blog its completely opposite to this idea.

It is really interesting to have read this blog and reflect on one of our Comm 101 Lectures where three members of the Portfolio Management Foundation came to expose what they were doing in this selective Bcom program. To my personal point of view they successfully explained everything ranging from the very basics of difference between stocks to how they assessed a public company. But the most interesting part that they all three were women, women who knew what they were talking about, knew all the risks and opportunities of markets, indeed knew it all.

According to the blog this is an anomaly because the world largest financial market and by this means lets assume most of financial markets in the world are commanded by males. With this being said I became shocked that even in these types of modern financial institutions, where people with high levels of education maybe graduating from Ivy League Schools were still practising gender inequality. Come on why should we not trust our finance to women? Is it because of birth and child related issues? or is it that they don’t really have the leadership skills including areas such as sensitivity to certain issues?

I became really interested on this issue and found the following video on Youtube….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG4JR38pKX4


Eilstein, Aaron. “Fewer Women Work on Wall Street.” Latest from Crains New York Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014



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