Facebook Privacy Change Is Subject of F.T.C. Inquiry

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Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking site. It has been operating for years and has over 1.11 billion users. Recently Facebook has changed their privacy policy announcing that Facebook has all rights to access all user’s information and that users are all REQUIRED to grant Facebook access to all their information. Many Facebook users may consider this as an invasion of people’s privacy, many Facebook users have purposely set their settings so that only certain users may access their information.

From a Facebook user’s standpoint, I personally feel like because I put that information up on Facebook, the company has the right to see this information and see what is going up on their site. Facebook has maintained it’s policy of using people’s posts and information to advertise any sponsors or companies (e.g. Starbucks). According to the article “Some users object to being pitchmen for products, and such concerns led to the recent class-action settlement.” I personally don’t find this to be unethical, however I can understand why certain people may feel that it is. Many may consider this an invasion of privacy even though they signed a contract saying that they would allow Facebook to access their information.

Works Cited:

Goel, Vindu, and Edward Wyatt. “Facebook Privacy Change Is Subject of F.T.C. Inquiry.” New York Times. The New York Times Company, 11 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.