In Age of Anywhere Delivery, the Food Meets You for Lunch

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In a new era where convenience and efficiency are the center of our lives, the most essential things such as eating have been completely tweaked to fit our quick paced and convenient-essential lives. Nowadays, anyone can be sitting in the park or their car and order food to their exact location. According to Robert Asmail the manager of Due Fratelli Pizza, “we go to the park all the time; we go to the beaches all the time, the police officers, they call on the corner, say, ‘We are outside patrolling.’ We go over there, we go anyplace! Doesn’t matter!” Now, people aren’t only delivering to their homes, they are delivering to parks, beaches and even to restaurants.

Nowadays, people have become so reliant on food delivery that calling a restaurant to deliver your food has become second nature. A man by the name of Jules Auger was taken out for dinner one night, because the restaurant had run out of the cheeseburger special, he “pulled up Seamless on his smart phone.” And with that “a cheese steak place promised speedy delivery.” Food delivery has become a great booming business that people all over the world are taking advantage of, it helps provide people the convenience and time saving they need for their busy and fast paced lives.

Works Cited:

Yee, Vivian. “In Age of Anywhere Delivery, the Food Meets You for Lunch.” New York Times. The New York Times Company, 5 Oct. 2013. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.