With Tastes Growing Healthier, McDonald’s Aims to Adapt Its Menu

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For decades, McDonalds has always been criticized for it’s unhealthy fattening meals. Due to the recent problems regarding obesity, particularly in the United States, McDonalds has been under pressure to provide healthier meals. Because of all this pressure, McDonalds has announced that “it would no longer market some of its less nutritional options to children and said it also planned to include offerings of fruits and vegetables in many of its adult menu combinations.” McDonalds has worked together with Clinton Foundation’s campaigns to promoting the reduction of childhood obesity. McDonald’s has put in effort to compete for health conscious customers by providing foods that are “lower in fat, salt or sugar content than its more traditional burger-and-fries options.

Even with all the efforts to increase its image of a healthier food chain, McDonalds has “experienced flat sales across much of its business in the United States and Europe, and forecast earlier this summer that little would alter the company’s financial picture anytime soon. According to Howell Wechsler the chief executive of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, “Companies like McDonald’s play a powerful role in shaping the culture and environment that influences the health-related behaviors of young people.” McDonalds has put in a lot of effort in order to change its image into something healthier and this new decision to promote healthier foods is estimated to cost about $35 million.

Works Cited:

Strom, Stephanie. “With Tastes Growing Healthier, McDonald’s Aims to Adapt Its Menu.” New York Times. The New York Times Company, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.