Mariska's Blog

British Game Maker Behind Candy Crush Seeking IPO in US.

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King, the company responsible for the popular game Candy Crush is seeking an initial public offering in the United States. Candy Crush is currently one of the most popular games on many phones including Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android, according to the article it is also “the highest grossing game on both operating systems”. The company has grown significantly and now offers “150 games in 14 languages on its site, Facebook and mobile devices.” Think Gaming, the consulting firm, estimated that Candy Crush alone brought in $850,016 daily revenue for…read more


Facebook Privacy Change Is Subject of F.T.C. Inquiry

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Facebook is the world’s most popular social networking site. It has been operating for years and has over 1.11 billion users. Recently Facebook has changed their privacy policy announcing that Facebook has all rights to access all user’s information and that users are all REQUIRED to grant Facebook access to all their information. Many Facebook users may consider this as an invasion of people’s privacy, many Facebook users have purposely set their settings so that only certain users may access their information. From a Facebook user’s standpoint, I personally feel…read more


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