Aug 14 2009

The feelings, the reasoning cont. + thoughtful rambling

Published by at 3:42 pm under Uncategorized

The Infamous 4, SADM

The Infamous 4, SADM

Glancing at my title now, Im thinking I probably should have called feelings, worries. I firmly believe after saying goodbye to a very important person in my life yesterday, moving to BC is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. People warned me, specifically my sister, that I’d be leaving people behind. I thought none of it. Its weird, because you take everyone around you for granted, until you realize how big of a difference they make in your life.

It can be the simplest of things. An easy 4 letter acronym, SADM, for example, can be more important to you then spending time with your parents, or can bring all the best memories into your head. I am talking about close friends of mine: Sarina, AJ, Danielle, and Mark. These three are by no means the only people I will miss, but when we are all together, we do crazy things that make you think preschool. If you can even imagine this scenario, after waiting in line for over 6 hours into a Lulu Lemon Athletica warehouse sale, we went to one of my friend’s house just to sit around, have chats, and play some guitar hero. An hour into this, harmless doodling on my friends leg with sceneted markers turned into a full out marker fight. That night, everyone was marked up with unmentionables except me, I somehow got away. That didn’t stop all of us from uncontrollable hysterics at 1 in the morning though. Think it through, do you really think that such things can still happen in university? Whether it be coldplay concerts and exploring Toronto, eating dinner and introducing me to UFC at a sports restaurant, or partaking in a bromance, the memories will always be there.

Do not get me wrong though people, this is by no means regret. British Columbia had been in my head for the past half decade. I have accepted the fact that this is a part of life. Time to further spread my wings, and literally fly away. Its impossible to stay friends with everyone that you hang out with in high school. University will simply show who your true friends are, and if you try hard enough (and oh will I ever), you keep in touch with those that matter to you most.

Reversing out of this hard to accept twisted truth, I’ll begin explaining why BC is a good thing. As mentioned, a million times before, its been in my head for far too long. I need change, because frankly, the Hammer is the most boring thing of life. In addition, the people I care most about in this world, are fully supportive and are so happy and proud for me. That justifies BC not being a bad thing. Among a few other unmentionables, some of the second year students that I’ve been talking to have been extremely helpful, and the way they speak of BC leaves me highly optimistic. To name two in particular, Sarah Dash and Katy Burtinsky. Sarah is the one that takes me on kitchen webcam adventures, and sends me pictures of forest fires, my residence, a nice day at kit’s beach, and even my future starbucks through bbm. Katy on the other hand is the enthusiastic RA that only wants to help. Since both of them are from Ontario as well, it’s easier for me to relate and level down with them. These two are keeping me on track.

Oh, and I dont think I’ve mentioned the Olympics yet. Once in a lifetime experience much?! Its so convienient that they occur my first year, of all years. I may even be volunteering around UBC for some of the events.

So I just got hit with a giant bag of tired, so this blog is being cut short. I received a whole 3 hours of sleep last night (If I’m lucky) and woke up to doodles and quotes all over my stomach. As I go start the shower, I’ll leave you guys a piece of advice that I have learned through months of anxiety, tears, and words of wisdom. Life lessons are inevitable. They can seriously suck, but go with the flow. Try not to worry, and keep your priorities straight. Your friends act as the water that help you grow, and the roots will always be there (unless something really scary happens and you’re uprooted), no matter what.

Ttyl ! I promise my next blog will be a nice formal introduction, silly facts and all. For all you know I may be some creep that hasn’t even been admitted to UBC !

p.s. The picture I’ve uploaded shows me and the other three that I’ve been raving about. To explain the awkward stances that we’re taking, I quote Dani; “It’s not about us being ugly, it’s about our lovin.”

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “The feelings, the reasoning cont. + thoughtful rambling”

  1. Samanthaon 15 Aug 2009 at 1:31 pm

    🙂 this is so sweet, yes i do read your blogs.
    🙁 im going to miss you

  2. Eastwoodon 18 Aug 2009 at 10:29 pm

    Ah… rez life. Good times.

    Hey, welcome to UBC and the Blog Squad. Looking forward to reading your posts.

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