Archive for August 26th, 2009

Aug 26 2009

Pre-Flight Freak Outs

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Currently 1:33 AM. I’m writing this entry instead of sleeping because I won’t have the time tomorrow ! And why is tomorrow such an important day you make ask?

Mark Antczak flies out to Vancouver.

But before I start rambling about the thoughts running through my head, I need to get this introduction out of the way! Not ! I actually discovered that one of the widgets does this for me. On the right hand side of your screen, you’ll see a little section that provides you with fun facts about moi. If you have any other questions about me, throw them my way.

So back to the freak out part. I have under 16 hours until I leave my safe haven, and start my new life adventure. Exciting, yes. But right now I feel like that kid in grade 8, who has his first day of highschool tomorrow. We’ve gone through change our whole lives, yet it’s one of the things that we can’t get used to. Is there anyone who wouldn’t be nervous about something like this; even though you know in the back of your head it’s going to be one of the most amazing experiences you’ll ever have in your life?

Give it 3 weeks at most. You’ll notice my posts will have a much happier vibe to them, not all this worry nonsense. I couldn’t prevent even if I tried !

But for the most part, I’m packed, and apart from the nerves I’m ready to go . Almost all of my bye’s have been said, I have my laptop loaded with movies for the plane, and even a new book to break the seal on the bookless summer I’ve had.

I need to keep this short and sweet. I’ll make sure to give you guys an update on my flight and itinerary before the move in!


p.s. Anyone have the mug group Hawthorn, 26? Let me know!

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