Aug 31 2009

Greetings from the West Coast!!

Published by at 8:41 pm under Uncategorized


Lets start with that phrase right there. It’s a pretty intense word. But then again, so is the chapter of my life right now. The Hamiltonian in me is lost and confused right now, but the Vancouverite is rejoicing and screaming at the top of it’s lungs.

My flight, was like any other flight. Normally when I fly out to Vancouver, I’m immensley happy and im stoked for weeks of excitment. This time, I should say was no different. Actually thats a lie. I was happy, I was, but the puffy eyes from the phone call before boarding may have caused the emotional discomfort I felt the whole time. I made use of my unlimited long distance and gave one of my best friends a last Ontarian phone call. It was like saying bye all over again; have I mentioned that I’m really bad at those? It probably didn’t help that I torentted The Notebook to watch during the first 4 hours of my flight. Nothing special really happened during the majority of the flight. When we made our pit stop in Calgary though, I needed to get off the plane and get starbucks. I was starving. I ordered a parfait (which are MASSIVE), and a green tea soy latte. Needless to say, they screwed up my latte and just gave me steamed soy. I asked for the right drink and I got what I wanted + the steamed soy they made by accident. When I walked on that plane with two ventis and a giant yogurt cup, I got some nasty death stares from the already food deprived passengers. The cabin crew was switched around, and I’m happy to say my new stewardess knew how to cheer me up! She called me her little ray of sunshine, and even dedicated a rap/lullaby jingle to me at the end of her flight over the intercom, something I shall not soon forget!

I arrived at about 11:30 (2:30 ON time), so I was dying because I was so jetlagged. My sister and brother in law went straight to bed, and me and my mom proceeded to unpack all the cold pierogies and cake that I brought from home. My mom insisted that I take it out of the freezer and pack it; as if I didn’t have enough stuff to fit. Can’t go wrong with home food though! I went to bed at about 12:30, thankfully.

I woke up and made my way to the balcony. I was greeted with this beautiful sight.img00364
Welcome to my view at my sister’s house. With all the gorgeous weather Van has been getting, how can you not appreciate such a sight? Next thing you know, my phone is ringing, and I chat with her for two hours.

Over the next few days, I get some shopping done. This includes a variety of food like cereal, snackbars, and tons of tea. Sme personal hygene stuff like febreeze (an absolute must in rez), toothpaste, shampoo, etc. We also picked up a printer at costo thats $60 bucks off. This thing, is a BEAST. It prints, scans, compies, faxes. It has wireless connection, video card ports, and printing speeds that will blow you away. For $120 dollars? Why not. That leaves me with stuff like bed sheets, decorative stuff like posters, and organizational tools like whiteboards and pinup sheets.

Also as mentioned before, my phone has been off the hook. I’ve talked to 7 people from Ontario already, a few of them more then once. With the convo’s that we’ve been having, I’m confident I won’t be losing touch with them as I feared. I’m on the emotional teeter totter. But good news is, the hardest part is behind me. Now I just need to keep those damn priorities straight.

Anyhoo! I’m off to bed. I need to get this three hour time change in check. I wake up too early for my tastes, yet im perfectly fine going to bed super late. Not only that, but I also have a fun filled day of adventure with your Dene TPRA Katy Burtinsky! This entails a tour of Dene, getting my ID, cheking out all the books I need, a tour of campus and seeing where allmy classes are, lunch, and whatever else our imaginiative youn minds can think of.

I’ll let you know how it goes! Night!

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Greetings from the West Coast!!”

  1. Ericaon 31 Aug 2009 at 11:26 pm

    Wow, someone else who drinks green tea lattes!

  2. Monica Kon 01 Sep 2009 at 4:29 pm

    Awwww, what a nice post. 🙂
    also, I have a printer/faxer/ whatever else it is,too 😛
    got it from Cosco, yee (H)
    but yeah, very cute post, and have fun @ BC.

    p.s. green tea lattes = YUCKY 😉

  3. Monica Kon 01 Sep 2009 at 4:32 pm


    p.p.s. I didnt know you had a blog!!!!!!!!!

  4. Paulinaon 01 Sep 2009 at 11:20 pm

    Woah… A printer with wireless connection? That’s so high tech I can’t figure out what it would be used for.

    Even though it’s not your first time, welcome to Vancouver =)

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