Archive for September 24th, 2009

Sep 24 2009

It’s WAY too early to start stressing!

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So why then am I freaking out?

Current Moods: frustrated, stressed, but I’m feeling excitement on the horizon.

Why? Homework. I’m having some difficulty understanding how people manage high grades in university. I’ve had a minimal, if any kind of social life at all in the past week.

I switched out of my anatomy class, because I thought it was too much to handle first year, so instead I enrolled myself in a Philosophy course. This gives me another 3 weeks worth of reading content I have to catch up on. Love it!

Aside from the hours of reading in psych, socio, english, philosophy, and anthropology, I have an assignment due tomorrow morning at 8 AM. I only found out about this two days ago, which is totally my fault. Regardless, it’d be nice if TA’s can go over the assignment so everyone understands what they’re supposed to do !

I left to my sister’s house yesterday so I can get some quiet time studying and doing this subject, but I ended up ripping out my hair for 4 hours. I built somewhat of an outline for the assignment, or abstract, as they call it, so now I’m hoping the research part won’t be too difficult. If anything, I can always just stay up until 4 in the morning doing it. I’ve only done that… 4 times now? I guess students weren’t kidding when they said university was hard.

Back to work! Just wanted to provide a quick little update.

You guys can expect an update sometime Sunday or Monday after Totem Color Wars (life or let dye), day of the Longboat, and GLOW. It hear it has quite the reputation, haha.

Oh, and one quick end note, whoever stole 1st floor Dene’s PingPong Table and wrote 6th Nootka on it with permanent marker, we are all unimpressed.

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