Archive for October, 2009

Oct 09 2009

Thanksgiving Blues

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I’m homesick, nuff said. Everyday, I feel like it’s been getting worse and worse, and if it weren’t for my sister living minutes away from campus, I don’t know where I’d be.

On top of that, I have two assignments due, and midterms right around the corner. I received my first grade in Anthropology, and lets just say it’s what started the current freakout phase.

Is it just me? I’m having a blast at UBC, besides the massive homework load, but I see people around me hanging around doing nothing at all. Makes me wonder. I can’t wait to get past the next two weeks, because then I have that brief time period where I can afford to not do homework or read.

Gahh. I miss highschool.

Sorry about the vent guys, but I have other blogs on the way. One of which includes my epic adventure to the Pacific Centre with my two friends.

And a final note, enjoy time with Family for those of you who are going back to visit, and HAPPY TURKEY DAY!

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Oct 01 2009

Let it be declared, that Naps are Good…and independance kinda rocks?

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I just woke, from like a 2 hour nap. I’m not a nap person, but today, I KNEW a nap was needed. I woke up early to take my shower as planned, and was hoping to make it on time to my ASTU 150 class in Buchanon. That deffinetely did not work, because I ended up taking the 8:02 shuttle behind Dene instead. When I arrived late, for the 5th time in a row, and started falling asleep in my super small class, I knew I couldn’t thrive off of 5 hours of sleep anymore.

So after Psych, I came back to rez, ate lunch, and napped. At one point a janitor dude came in and fixed mine and my roomate’s flickering lamp? I can’t even remember what he asked me.

So in the past week, I’ve accomplished quite a few things:

I joined the Ski and Board club, and I plan on joining the outdoor varsity club and maybe even the Polish club? That’s still being contemplated.

I’m pretty much caught up in my courses. Except Philosophy. I decided to drop anatomy and leave it for next year. It’s too much to handle first year.

I came up with a little organizational chart that keeps track of all my readings and assignments due. It involves tons of post-its, and a little weekday template on the quorkboard.

I attended GLOW the past weekend, which was the definition of residence fun. Never seen anything like it.

Above all, I’m still working out. I can’t remember if I’ve posted this in my previous blogs, but I have this plan. I call it; “Plan – Get sexy by December”. Fairly self explanatory. I don’t want to become all jacked and buff, but I’d love to tone down and just LOOK fit. Normally when I’m hit with this goal, I work out for a week or two, get bored, and then just continue living my life. But in this case, I’m hitting up the birdcoop, and I’m going to start swimming at the pool.

I had a revelation last night about my first month in BC. Aside from the added independence in residence, I can almost feel responsibility and maturity growing off of me. Remember when we were young, our parents would make us go to bed early and we would protest and argue our hearts out? Or when we had the tiniest of sniffles, we would make it into a huge deal hoping to take the day off school? Well, now I’m kind of wishing I had a mom and dad that would still enforce and prevent those kinds of things here. I’m attempting to fix all the bad habits like going to bed at 1AM, or starting my homework late.

WE call the shots now. So we can stay up as late as we want, but then we pay the consequences in the morning. We can pretend to be sick, but then we’re missing out on important lectures or discussions that we’re paying for. We can eat super unhealthy things at the café, but sooner or later, that freshman 15 is going to bite you in the bum.

This is where we grow up! And almost daily phone calls to my parents don’t seem like a hassle at all. If I didn’t know better, this move is going to do a lot more better then I thought it would.

What do you guys think? How are you dealing with independence?

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