Archive for October 9th, 2009

Oct 09 2009

Thanksgiving Blues

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I’m homesick, nuff said. Everyday, I feel like it’s been getting worse and worse, and if it weren’t for my sister living minutes away from campus, I don’t know where I’d be.

On top of that, I have two assignments due, and midterms right around the corner. I received my first grade in Anthropology, and lets just say it’s what started the current freakout phase.

Is it just me? I’m having a blast at UBC, besides the massive homework load, but I see people around me hanging around doing nothing at all. Makes me wonder. I can’t wait to get past the next two weeks, because then I have that brief time period where I can afford to not do homework or read.

Gahh. I miss highschool.

Sorry about the vent guys, but I have other blogs on the way. One of which includes my epic adventure to the Pacific Centre with my two friends.

And a final note, enjoy time with Family for those of you who are going back to visit, and HAPPY TURKEY DAY!

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