Oct 09 2009

Thanksgiving Blues

Published by at 1:54 pm under Uncategorized

I’m homesick, nuff said. Everyday, I feel like it’s been getting worse and worse, and if it weren’t for my sister living minutes away from campus, I don’t know where I’d be.

On top of that, I have two assignments due, and midterms right around the corner. I received my first grade in Anthropology, and lets just say it’s what started the current freakout phase.

Is it just me? I’m having a blast at UBC, besides the massive homework load, but I see people around me hanging around doing nothing at all. Makes me wonder. I can’t wait to get past the next two weeks, because then I have that brief time period where I can afford to not do homework or read.

Gahh. I miss highschool.

Sorry about the vent guys, but I have other blogs on the way. One of which includes my epic adventure to the Pacific Centre with my two friends.

And a final note, enjoy time with Family for those of you who are going back to visit, and HAPPY TURKEY DAY!

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Thanksgiving Blues”

  1. valentinaon 10 Oct 2009 at 12:50 pm

    agh… I wasn’t very happy with my anthropology grade either… I so want to get over this midterms and papers stage :s

  2. Miriamon 10 Oct 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Definitely feeling the crunch.

    I will enjoy being with my family for you, lol. :'(

  3. Paulinaon 11 Oct 2009 at 8:55 pm

    Don’t worry, those people hanging around are probably really out of it from cramming or have given up. I hate to quote High School Musical but… “we’re all in this together?”

  4. Carman Lamon 15 Oct 2009 at 3:27 pm

    Hey Mark,
    I know how you feel! Speaking from my experience (as a sage 3rd year and all :P) that almost everyone is feeling the same anxiety and crunch that you are. However, not everyone shows it and we all have to take breaks right? So you might just be seeing those peeps when they’re taking a break to de-stress from work and not seeing them when they’re melting down because of their workload.
    Hope that changes your perspective a bit! Also keep in mind many students on campus have different courseloads (anywhere from 1-6 classes per term) so maybe the ones you see relaxing are only only in 1 class.
    Lastly, props to Paulina. I think people love to hate High School Musical but I personally just love to love it (despite the looks of disbelief and disgust I receive when I say so).

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