Archive for November 4th, 2009

Nov 04 2009

Completed Midterms and Halloween Adventures with a side of Swine

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Im sure many of you think that I’m not much of a blogger. I realize its been almost a month since my last blog, but with midterms and assigments  out of the way, I’m attempting to post more often. This is partially AJ’s, Erica’s, and Megan’s bantering too, since they bug me about my lack of updating multiple times a week.

So overall, midterms were intense. I studied hard for them, killed psych and socio, and hit average on anthro and english. The multiple assignments that were completed the past 3 weeks have been marked as well and I’m glad to say all the hard work paid off. I still have a few major ones ahead of me but they can be completed within the next few weeks.

You can imagine how much I was looking forward to the dressing up and eating candy until I exploded. After my last midterm, I made a spontaneous decision to go to metrotown with a friend. It was a nice suprise seeing how easy it was to actually get there! It gave me a chance to finally ride the sky train. So we got there, pranced around the mall, got some weird looks and shopped around. I came out with a nice peacoat, and Antonnia with some face stuff from Sephora. Our way back was quite the adventure as well. Downtown vancouver was swamped with ghoul’s, waldo’s, and spidermen. It suprised me how many people came out dressed up! Deffinetely not a Hamilton thing.

So after getting back to campus, a bunch of friends and I hung around Totem, got rejected at the frats (if you’re a girl, you’re good to go), and then danced around in the pit. It made for a very, even so slightly blurred, fun night.

So aside from Halloween, how is everyone else coping with the crawling amounts of H1N1? It seems as though there is a weaker strain. I was hit with sick a few weeks ago, and just when I think I’m in the clear, my email inbox is overflowing with flue prevention emails. As Erica just mentioned, they even have that nifty new button on the SSC that allows you to go on sick leave. Pretty convenient. If I keep up my vitamin C intake, bundle up, and avoid shaking hands or sharing food with anyone that’s sweating profusely or looks like they’re about to yak, everything should be ok.

 In any case, I’m off to continue with the assignments!

 Rihanna’s new song is fantastic by the way. Link below, enjoy!

Rihanna – Russian Roulette

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