Archive for November 15th, 2009

Nov 15 2009

Heroes, how I love thee.

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It started with a casual glance at the screen while my friend was watching Heroes. Then he let me borrow the first season. “Ok, I’ll borrow it but It’ll take me a while to finish it…there just isn’t enough time in my day to watch it!” I said. One episode a week turned into two. Two turned into 4. Next thing I know, I’m power-watching the first season of Heroes, going up to 5 episodes a day. Often till like 3 AM, no big deal.

 Watching television shows and movies is a nice release. It allows you to be whisked away into a world where all you’re concerned about is the characters in the show.

 Just attempt to prioritise. Only watch like an episode or two a day; no matter HOW good it’s getting.



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