Nov 15 2009

Heroes, how I love thee.

Published by at 11:29 am under Uncategorized

It started with a casual glance at the screen while my friend was watching Heroes. Then he let me borrow the first season. “Ok, I’ll borrow it but It’ll take me a while to finish it…there just isn’t enough time in my day to watch it!” I said. One episode a week turned into two. Two turned into 4. Next thing I know, I’m power-watching the first season of Heroes, going up to 5 episodes a day. Often till like 3 AM, no big deal.

 Watching television shows and movies is a nice release. It allows you to be whisked away into a world where all you’re concerned about is the characters in the show.

 Just attempt to prioritise. Only watch like an episode or two a day; no matter HOW good it’s getting.



4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Heroes, how I love thee.”

  1. Tyleron 16 Nov 2009 at 9:28 am

    When I power through a series, I just spend one 7 hour period and finish a season XD Though, it’s usually anime 😛

  2. Carman Lamon 18 Nov 2009 at 1:07 pm

    I found out quickly in first year that TV shows are my preferred method of release from the stresses and anxieties that university life brought upon me. Heroes is SO GOOD and addictive, How I Met Your Mother is another good one and if you’re into Sci-Fi, check out Battlestar Gallactica. It might sound so nerdy and you might be judging me – however, I will attest that this show is amazing. It was also filmed in Vancouver and on UBC campus, if that counts for anything.

    But as you said, too much of anything isn’t good for you. Don’t forget to do your homework, occasionally.. 😛

  3. Meganon 19 Nov 2009 at 12:03 pm

    ME TOO

    I started watching Heroes like a week ago for no apparent reason and I can’t stop haha

  4. Mark Antczakon 21 Nov 2009 at 3:30 pm

    Hah, thanks for the words of advice Carman! With finals around the corner I think the TV shoes have stopped completely. With 3 assignments still due within the next week, like is going to be a tad difficult. Meg! We should have a hroes marathon next sem 🙂

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