Archive for December 1st, 2009

Dec 01 2009

Huh, what?! Is that a light at the end of the tunnel?!

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With PRIDE, I announce that the last of the 9 papers due this semester are complete!! I know we’re not in the clear yet with finals ready to strike, but lordie its nice knowing all we have left is studying. Last Saturday Totem also got to blow some steam off at the formal dinner and dance. It’s insane how much better cafeteria food tastes when you’re surrounded by formal attire and decorations. The dance was wet and greasy, comparable to the GLOW dance in September; a fun time no doubt.  

I feel like mentioning also that the past few weeks have been indifferent for me as well. There were highs and lows, but in the end I was left thanking myself for coming out here. I’m not sure exactly what it was. Maybe it was the amazing friends I’ve made here, conquering inner demons (thanks to those friends), the independence, self realization, or feeling like the future actually holds a place for me, I’ve just been really grateful, to the point where I admit to my mother that I couldn’t see myself settling down back home anymore. It’s scary yet invigorating thinking like a grown up. Homesickness was still there, but I feel when I go back home in 3 weeks, when we reunite we’ll cherish our friendships even more since we survived such a split.  

This reminiscing might be from my sleepless euphoric state. I think I’m going to nap now. This whole sleep thing…it kinda rocks when you get a full 8 hours of it.

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