Archive for February 6th, 2010

Feb 06 2010

Job Applications and Midterms

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Tons of updates guys!

To start, I’ve got midterm in 5 days. Three in a row: natural disasters, psychology, and sociology. I’ve been so caught up in everything else the past two weeks that I haven’t even had a chance to start studying. That’s where the week long study binge occurs. Fairly optimistic that I’ll do well.

As for job interviews, I’m completely stoked.

First was the Front Desk position I applied for during the summer here on campus. I’d basically be working for the hotel services in Marine and Gage during the summer, full time, with one graveyard shift a week. Pretty manageable in my opinion. I recently had an “online interview” which consisted of me being sent a link to a quiz that had to be completed in an hour and a half. This quiz had me answering questions involving basic math skills, problem solving, prioritising what seemed to be catastrophes in certain scenarios, as well as basic know how of Vancouver tourism attractions. I think I did pretty well in that.

Second was the RA carousel. I’ve been hearing about this shindig since October from my advisor, and it was quite the experience. We were put in groups of 5 to 7 people, and then later led to stations such as scheduling and “speed friending”. It was all very chill, and for a legit interview experience; not that stressful. The last station was indeed a legitimate one on one interview. Or two on one rather. Can you believe I was asked this question? “If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?”. Theresa question you don’t typically expect. The one thing that has me worried though is the amount of people that applied. Its something like 500 people applying for 150 positions? That’s not including the returners who get a much better chance of getting the job. I find out the results March 8th, keep your fingers crossed!

Third was my MUG Leader group interview. This was similar to the carousel, only the activities were shorter and much more creative. The first station involved being grouped with two other people, and creating a short skit about UBC. We had a specific theme. Next, your whole group of 6 had to recreate a lego structure that one of your group members saw. I, in this case, saw the lego structure, and had to explain using fingers and words to guide the group into building it. We beat the other group easily. The last station included picking up a completely random item and relating it to UBC, or an experience I had. I had a mug.

So tons and tons of participation in leadership roles, get included if you already haven’t, loads of fun!

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