Archive for February 20th, 2010

Feb 20 2010

Olympic Madness = Getting Inked?

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So being here in Vancouver with my friends from Ontario, during the Olympics has probably been one of the most epic experiences of my life.

Back when I was still applying the presenters talked about this “UBC moment” that you’ll eventually have once attending. It’s the moment where you just realize where you actually are, the moment where you start appreciating everything around you. Well I had that moment when I was down on the waterfront near the torch. I had the towering sparkling buildings, the mountains, the Canadian cheers, ocean, and the official Olympic torch, all within eyesight. I just remember standing and thinking…holy crap. I LIVE here.

After like an hour of that, me and my Ontarians composed ourselves and walked around Van. We hit up everything from the downtown madness, to the Stanley Park totem poles.

I asked them if they wanted to move out here yet, and they were definitely on their way to being converted, haha.

And this inked deal? Myself and two friends got tattoos done. An hour of pain, but so worth it. Just try and keep it on the DL, my family doesn’t know…at least for the time being!

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